Sun. 02 | Mon. 03 | Tue. 04 | Wed. 05 | Thu. 06 | Fri. 07 | Sat. 08 | |
16:00 - 17:00 (1h)
Collective transportation 1
Bus from Grenoble train station to Villard de Lans
18:00 - 19:00 (1h)
Collective transportation 2
Bus from Grenoble train station to Villard de Lans
19:00 - 20:00 (1h)
Hotel check-in
The rooms will be available from 18:00. You can leave your luggage at the reception if you arrive before.
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
7:30 - 9:15 (1h45)
9:15 - 9:25 (10min)
Opening remarks
9:25 - 11:00 (1h35)
Talks - Edge without QPCs
Julia Meyer
› Transport in fractional quantum Hall edges with counterpropagating modes
- Alexander Mirlin, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
09:25-10:40 (1h15)
› Heat equilibration of integer and fractional quantum Hall edge modes in graphene
- François Parmentier, Service de physique de l'état condensé
10:40-11:00 (20min)
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 (1h)
Talks - Edge without QPCs
Jinhong Park
› Spin-Selective Equilibration among Integer Quantum Hall Edge Channels
- Thomas Ihn, Solid State Physics Laboratory, ETH Zürich
11:30-12:10 (40min)
› Mesoscopic Heat 'Multiplier' - A Quantum Hall device revealing correlated States
- Florian Stäbler, University of Geneva
12:10-12:30 (20min)
12:30 - 14:30 (2h)
14:30 - 16:10 (1h40)
Talks - Edge without QPCs
Blagoje Oblak
› Linear and nonlinear edge dynamics of trapped fractional quantum Hall droplets
- Alberto Nardin, University of Trento [Trento], Istituto Nazionale di Ottica [Firenze]
14:30-15:10 (40min)
› Leviton Wavefunctions on Fractional Quantum Hall Edges
- Kyungtae Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› Landauer-Buttiker edge states versus Shlovskii-Shlovskii-Glazman stripes in various quantum Hall devices
- Xavier Waintal, PHotonique, ELectronique et Ingénierie QuantiqueS
15:30-16:10 (40min)
16:10 - 16:40 (30min)
Coffee break
16:40 - 18:00 (1h20)
Talks - Edge without QPCs
Igor Gornyi
› Transport Signatures of Fractional Quantum Hall Binding Transitions
- Christian Spanslatt, Chalmers University of Technology
16:40-17:20 (40min)
› Superconductivity of neutral modes in quantum Hall edges
- Jukka Väyrynen, Purdue University [West Lafayette]
17:20-18:00 (40min)
18:00 - 18:20 (20min)
Technical break
18:20 - 19:00 (40min)
Talks - Edge without QPCs
Kyrylo Snizhko
› Tunable broken-symmetry orders and quantum Hall edge channels in graphene (online talk)
- Benjamin Sacépé, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, Institut Néel
18:20-19:00 (40min)
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
7:30 - 9:15 (1h45)
9:20 - 11:00 (1h40)
Talks - Edge without QPCs
Noam Schiller
› Real-space and time visualization of excitations of the fractional quantum Hall edge (online talk)
- Go Yusa, Tohoku University
09:20-10:00 (40min)
› Multiterminal quantum impurity simulator operating in the fractional quantum Hall regime
- Anton Parafilo, Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› RF transport in the QHE
- Carles Altimiras, Service de physique de l'état condensé
10:20-10:40 (20min)
› Radiation squeezing in interacting quantum Hall edge channels
- Giacomo Rebora, ENS DE LYON
10:40-11:00 (20min)
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 (1h)
Talks - Misc
Inès Safi
› Charge-conserving equilibration of quantum Hall edge states
- Eugene Sukhorukov, University of Geneva
11:30-11:50 (20min)
› Luttinger-liquid behaviour in quantum Hall tunnelling as seen through the tunnelling noise
- Kyrylo Snizhko, Weizmann Institute of Science, CEA-Grenoble, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
11:50-12:30 (40min)
12:30 - 14:30 (2h)
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
Talks - Edges + one QPC
Mélanie Ruelle
› Anyonic exchange in a quantum point contact
- Christophe Mora, Laboratoire Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques
14:30-15:10 (40min)
› `Collider' investigation of the nature of quasiparticles in the fractional and integer quantum Hall regimes
- Frédéric Pierre, Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies
15:10-15:50 (40min)
› Two-particle time-domain interferometry in the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect regime
- D. Christian Glattli, CEA- Saclay
15:50-16:30 (40min)
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Coffee break
17:00 - 17:40 (40min)
Talks - Edges + one QPC
Antonio Lacerda Santos Neto
› Anyon statistics through conductance measurements of time-domain interferometry
- Yuval Oreg, Weizmann Institute of Science
17:00-17:40 (40min)
17:40 - 19:00 (1h20)
Posters + discussion time
› Anyonic relations in circuit QED. Application to FQHE composite fermions.
- D. Christian Glattli, CEA- Saclay
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Conductance plateaus and shot noise in fractional quantum Hall point contacts
- Jinhong Park, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Electrically switchable tunneling across a graphene pn junction: evidence for canted antiferromagnetic phase in ν = 0 state
- Arup Paul, Indian Institute of Science
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Hong-Ou-Mandel interferences between fractional excitations in the ν=1/3 fractional quantum Hall state
- Mélanie Ruelle, Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS - ENS Paris
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Identifying non-Abelian anyons with upstream noise.
- Mykhailo Yutushui, Weizmann Institute of Science
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
7:30 - 9:00 (1h30)
9:15 - 10:15 (1h)
Bus to Grenoble
Bus to Grenoble train station
10:30 - 12:15 (1h45)
Tour of Grenoble
Grenoble tours have three options: city center, La Bastille (the 19th century fortress above the city), Grenoble street art.
See your assigned group here:
12:30 - 14:00 (1h30)
Lunch in Grenoble
14:00 - 14:45 (45min)
Moving to the Scientific Peninsula
Moving to the Scientific Peninsula and entering CEA/CNRS. You will need to have your PASSPORT with you.
14:45 - 16:00 (1h15)
Lab visit 1
See your assigned group here:
16:00 - 16:20 (20min)
Changing location
Changing location (CEA <-> CNRS)
16:20 - 17:35 (1h15)
Lab visit 2
See your assigned group here:
17:35 - 18:00 (25min)
Getting to the bus
Getting to Grenoble train station, where the bus will wait for us
18:00 - 19:00 (1h)
Bus to Villard de Lans
Bus to Villard de Lans
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
7:30 - 9:15 (1h45)
9:20 - 11:00 (1h40)
Talks - Edges + one QPC
Arup Paul
› Braiding of anyons at quantum point contacts
- Heung-Sun Sim, Department of Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
09:20-10:00 (40min)
› Non-Abelian Anyon Collider
- June-Young Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - H.-S. Sim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› Fractional statistics of anyons in mesoscopic colliders
- Gwendal Feve, Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS - ENS Paris
10:20-11:00 (40min)
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 (1h)
Talks - Misc
David Perconte
› Effect of fractional statistics in anyon collisions
- Bernd Rosenow, Leipzig University
11:30-12:10 (40min)
› Channel mixing in a quantum Hall two-particle interferometer
- Matteo Acciai, Chalmers University of Technology [Gothenburg, Sweden]
12:10-12:30 (20min)
12:30 - 14:30 (2h)
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
Talks - Edges + one QPC
Anton Parafilo
› Robust methods for the determination of fractional charge
- Ines Safi, Laboratoire de Physique des Solides-Université Paris-Saclay
14:30-15:10 (40min)
› Revealing the exotic statistics of anyons in the fractional quantum Hall regime
- Jérôme Rech, Centre de Physique Théorique - UMR 7332
15:10-15:50 (40min)
› Transport in Helical Luttinger Liquids
- Yuli Lyanda-Geller, Purdue University [West Lafayette]
15:50-16:30 (40min)
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Coffee break
17:00 - 17:40 (40min)
Talks - Edges + one QPC
Florian Stäbler
› Measuring Entanglement in Electronic Interferometers
- Yuval Gefen, Weizmann Institute of Science [Rehovot, Israël]
17:00-17:40 (40min)
17:40 - 19:00 (1h20)
Posters + discussion time
› Anyonic relations in circuit QED. Application to FQHE composite fermions.
- D. Christian Glattli, CEA- Saclay
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Conductance plateaus and shot noise in fractional quantum Hall point contacts
- Jinhong Park, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Electrically switchable tunneling across a graphene pn junction: evidence for canted antiferromagnetic phase in ν = 0 state
- Arup Paul, Indian Institute of Science
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Hong-Ou-Mandel interferences between fractional excitations in the ν=1/3 fractional quantum Hall state
- Mélanie Ruelle, Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS - ENS Paris
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Identifying non-Abelian anyons with upstream noise.
- Mykhailo Yutushui, Weizmann Institute of Science
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
7:30 - 9:15 (1h45)
9:20 - 11:00 (1h40)
Talks - Edges + two QPCs
Christian Spånslätt
› Electron quantum optics in graphene
- Himadri Chakraborti, CEA- Saclay
09:20-10:00 (40min)
› Van der Waals - based quantum Hall interferometers
- Yuval Ronen, Weizmann Institute of Science [Rehovot, Israël]
10:00-10:40 (40min)
› Coulomb-mediated pairing in graphene Fabry-Pérot quantum Hall Interferometer
- Wenmin Yang, Institut Néel
10:40-11:00 (20min)
11:00 - 11:30 (30min)
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30 (1h)
Talks - Edges + two QPCs
Mykhailo Yutushui
› Signatures of non-Abelian braiding in interference measurements at ν=5/2 and 7/2
- Kirill Shtengel, University of California [Riverside]
11:30-12:10 (40min)
› Coherence recovery mechanisms in quantum Hall edge states
- Eugene Sukhorukov, University of Geneva
12:10-12:30 (20min)
12:30 - 14:30 (2h)
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
Talks - Misc
Jukka Väyrynen
› Quantum sensing of time dependent electromagnetic fields with single electron excitations
- Hubert Souquet-Basiège, Laboratoire de Physique
14:30-14:50 (20min)
› Coulomb blockade of chiral Majorana and complex fermions far from equilibrium
- Dmitriy S. Shapiro, Institute for Quantum Materials and Technologies (IQMT), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
14:50-15:10 (20min)
› Anisotropic Quantum Hall Droplets
- Blagoje Oblak, École Polytechnique
15:10-15:30 (20min)
› Chiral quantum Hall Josephson junctions
- David Perconte, Université Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, Institut Néel
15:30-15:50 (20min)
› Hallmarks of non-trivial Andreev edge states in superlattices formed by nm-thick magnetic and normal films
- Mikhail Belogolovskii, Kyiv Academic University
15:50-16:30 (40min)
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Coffee break
17:00 - 17:40 (40min)
Talks - Misc
Wenmin Yang
› Observation of Universal Hall Response in Strongly Interacting Fermions
- Michele Filippone, CEA Grenoble
17:00-17:40 (40min)
17:40 - 19:00 (1h20)
Posters + discussion time
› Anyonic relations in circuit QED. Application to FQHE composite fermions.
- D. Christian Glattli, CEA- Saclay
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Conductance plateaus and shot noise in fractional quantum Hall point contacts
- Jinhong Park, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Electrically switchable tunneling across a graphene pn junction: evidence for canted antiferromagnetic phase in ν = 0 state
- Arup Paul, Indian Institute of Science
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Hong-Ou-Mandel interferences between fractional excitations in the ν=1/3 fractional quantum Hall state
- Mélanie Ruelle, Laboratoire de physique de l'ENS - ENS Paris
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Identifying non-Abelian anyons with upstream noise.
- Mykhailo Yutushui, Weizmann Institute of Science
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
› Presentation of a board game on quantum transport
- João Ferreira, Université de Genève = University of Geneva
17:40-19:00 (1h20)
19:00 - 21:00 (2h)
7:30 - 9:15 (1h45)
9:15 - 10:00 (45min)
Hotel check-out
The rooms should be freed by 10:00. You can leave your luggage at the reception if you depart later.
10:00 - 11:00 (1h)
Collective transportation 1
Bus from Villard de Lans to Grenoble train station
14:00 - 15:00 (1h)
Collective transportation 2
Bus from Villard de Lans to Grenoble train station